Software Training

Sometimes existing teams need new tricks.

As an experienced software engineer, I offer expert guidance and support in training your teams to develop high-quality software solutions that meet the unique needs of your business.

My approach is based on years of experience working with clients across various industries and technologies. I take the time to understand your specific requirements and goals, then work closely with you throughout the entire training process to ensure that we deliver exactly what you need.

Here are some key areas where I can provide valuable insights:

  • Software Development Best Practices: With my expertise in industry best practices,I can help train your teams on how to write clean code, design effective architectures, and implement efficient testing strategies. By leveraging these best practices within their day-to-day work it will ultimately lead towards better quality code being produced

  • Agile Methodologies: Agile methodologies such as Scrum or Kanban have become increasingly popular over recent years due to their ability to increase productivity while also improving communication between team members.With my experience implementing these methodologies before, I can guide you through the process of adopting them effectively within your organization

  • Emerging Technologies: Keeping up with emerging technologies is essential when it comes staying ahead of competition.With my knowledge base combined with industry trends analysis,I can help train your teams on new tools/technologies which may be relevant for future projects

I also provide ongoing support after project completion so that newly acquired skills continue being utilized by developers even after they leave our program.

If you're ready to take advantage of cutting-edge technology solutions let's connect! Contact me today for more information about my consulting services or schedule a consultation.

Past Training

  • Change Data Capture — From database, to streaming events, to data lakes

  • Monolith Migration Strategies

  • Event Driven Architectures

  • Data Mesh

  • Apache Spark for Data Scientists

  • Akka for Distributed Systems

  • Expert Systems Basics

  • Basic Streaming Analytics